Monday, June 7, 2010

Deadline for nominations to Buccaneer Athletics Hall of Fame Approaching Fast

The deadline to nominate candidates for the Corpus Christi Miller High School Buccaneers Athletics Hall of Fame is July 1. To be nominated, the athlete must have graduated from Miller High School no later than 1995 (15 years), must have had a successful athletic and academic career in high school and must in no way have embarrassed the school or community. Nominations should include a brief bio and contact information on the nominee. They can be sent to Rosa Flores, Buc Hall of Fame, 5837 Llano, Corpus Christi, Texas, 78407 or emailed to Nominations can also be made on the blog spot For more information, call 361-813-7218.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Nominations for 2010
If you want to nominate someone for induction into the Buccaneers Athletics Hall of Fame, please post a comment here and send an email to notifying us of your nomination. Please make sure you give us a brief bio of the nominee's achievements at Miller and afterward. Please also send us contact numbers for the nominee and for yourself. The next Hall of Fame induction ceremonies will be during the 2010 football season. Dates will be announced later this month. Please also follow the format below in this post. You can also print it out and fax to Attn: Dr. Manuel Flores, at361-593-402. Please stay in contact. If you have any questions, please call 361-813-7808 or 361-813-7218. Thanks.

Buc Hall of Fame Nomination Form

Year Graduated from Miller:____________________________________________

Athletic Achievements at Miller:__________________________________________

Other Achievements at Miller: __________________________________________

Athletic Career at college or pro level or other contributions to athletics and the community:


Nominee's Current Address or closest contact:________________________________

Your Name:__________________________________________________________

Your Contact Info, Phone:______________________Email:_____________________

Please write a short essay on why you feel this former Buc should be inducted into the Buccaneers Athletics Hall of Fame:



Thank you very much for keeping the Buccaneers Spirit alive.
And, always remember and
never, never forget, "Once a Buc, always a Buc!" Go Bucs!!!!!!

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